
Feb 25, 2014

Abducted by T.R. Ragan


Written by T.R. Ragan

Reading Source: Audible/Amazon (Whispersync)
Series: Lizzy Gardner
Book #: 1
Genre: Suspense

 I loved this book. It's gritty and dark.

The female lead in this book is Lizzy Gardner. When she was 17 years old, she was kidnapped after a milestone date with her boyfriend just a few blocks from her house. She was held captive and tortured by a sadistic bastard she dubbed Spiderman. Lizzy survived, and was the only victim to escape. However, she wasn't the only one to escape, Spiderman did too - causing Lizzy to spend the next fourteen years worrying about a repeat of the creepy and traumatic experience at the hands of Spiderman.

After a fourteen year hiatus, Spiderman is back and he's targeting Lizzy - who is now a private investigator and instructs teenage girls on how to defend themselves. She has locked away the trauma, or so she thought. After getting a phone call from Spiderman, her mental defenses start falling. Her boyfriend from fourteen years ago is now in the FBI, and needs Lizzy's help. When Spiderman pulls her family into his twisted version of hide and seek, Lizzy is determined to end this terror once and for all.

Spiderman is sick and uses creepy crawlies to torment his victims. The torture scenes in this book are not for the weak of heart. It was amazing. Get it!

Feb 24, 2014

Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer

Agnes and the Hitman
Written by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

Reading Source: Audible

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Light Suspense

I absolutely LOVE this book. I have read it and listened to it at least 4 times.

Agnes is bent, seriously. She's insane - and her best friend thinks so too - but she's amazing just the way she is. Having had a crappy childhood - Agnes can't stand liars - so needless to say, she's got some not-so-repressed anger.

Shane is the strong silent type - he's about action and loyalty. So when his uncle Joey, "The Gent," calls him back to protect "Little Agnes," Shane is there, expecting to find some kid - lo and behold, he finds a cranky food columnist that has somehow found herself in the middle of a deadly Mob/Government conspiracy.

Throw in a crazy woman from Jersey and a cameo from "Don't Look Down" (I'd give you a hint - but the point would be moot) and you've got an action packed romantic comedy. I love this book. There really isn't much else I can say - Follow the link above to Amazon and buy the book!!

Feb 23, 2014

Back Again

So... It has been a very, very long time since anyone has posted here.

This isn't a "personal blog" - so I wont go into extreme detail. I've been dealing with a new job (minor interruption) and family obligations (major interruption).

Riona will no longer be  reviewing with me. She and her husband are trying to start a family and she wants to focus on the little bit of immediate family they have in the States.

I'll do my best to post reviews as often as possible.